Saturday, November 10, 2012

Stress and Emotions

Stress and Emotional Eating

Although there may be many factors linked to Emotional Eating, research has linked stress as a factor that increases emotional eating.  What is emotional eating?  According to, "emotional eating is characterized by repeatedly eating in response to feelings rather than in response to hunger to gain physical nourishment".  So how exactly is stress linked to this type of binge eating?
Let's focus on the physiological response stress has on the human body; stress increases the levels of cortisol which is commonly referred as the "stress hormone".  This hormone leads to an increase of craving for salty and sweet foods.  This type of foods will cause weight gain.  Aside from the cravings, stress usually creates a need for social support for most people.  Usually when searching for that support, most people seem to "express their feelings" over a nice meal with a friend.  This social eating may also contribute to weight gain because the food choices are usually not healthy choices.   Another form of emotional eating is caused by nervousness or feeling of anxiousness.  A lot of people bite their nails or grind their teeth during times of stress, and some go straight to eating.   Emotional eating may also be a result for reducing uncomfortable emotions.  When a problem arises, some people may eat instead of trying to communicate effectivley  It serves as a form of coping with an issue without actually addressing the issues.  Although eating during stressful times may have negative impacts, some food choices may actually relieve stress.  Below is a video that introduces four foods that may actually decrease stress levels.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to me that stress and anxiety lead to someone deforming they're own body, i'd never noticed before that the way people deal with stress can cause obesity, infection from biting nails, hair loss, grinding teeth to the nub. In you head its like no, I would never do that but people do everyday unconsciously by having these unhealthy ways to cope with stress a little at a time.
